Wednesday, December 15, 2004

sometimes, there aren't enough pictures to go around. or, at least, not enough pictures i'd feel like posting.

in that case, incidents will have to do.

waiting for the bus. the night is thick. cars, lorries, buses, and more cars are screaming by. but there is no one else.

a man walks up, uncertainly. he holds up a sign, with the number 15.

i tell him am waiting for the same bus. he says, simply, thanks.

the bus comes. he climbs on, slowly. i take a seat on the upper deck.

the bus engine roars up the winding road.

the driver, and the man on the lower deck. and me upstairs. and, empty blue seats under tired neon white.

i close my eyes, and feel the warm wind, tasting like diesel, fill my lungs.


Blogger dreamweaver said...

wake up early but not willing to get out of the bed, again...
god knows, this morning i have to run to bus stop, as usual...

a big shadow made by 3person freezes my legs from running, stops my eyes from gazing anywhere else

a kiss on a baby's face, a bye to woman, and a big hug. we jump into a bus, you drop-off the bus and light up a cig, smoke gets into the sky..

sometimes, charm, comes from a disappearing shadow... today, i am contented.

2:38 PM  

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